General Instructions
{% autoescape off %} {{ context.inst_output.instruction }} {% endautoescape %}
Test Specific Instructions
- All questions are multiple choice questions.
{% if context.typeId == 'Mock' %}
- There is only {{ context.question_weight }} marks for each correct answer.
{% if context.negative_marking != 'No' %}
{% with total_marks=context.negative_marking_fixed|multiply:context.question_weight %}
{% with total_negative_marks=total_marks|division:100 %}
- There is -{{ total_negative_marks }} negative marking for each wrong answered question in this Test.
{% endwith %}
{% endwith %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if context.typeId == 'Subject' %}
- There is only {{ context.question_weight }} marks for each correct answer.
{% if context.negative_marking != 'No' %}
{% with total_marks=context.negative_marking_fixed|multiply:context.question_weight %}
{% with total_negative_marks=total_marks|division:100 %}
- There is -{{ total_negative_marks }} negative marking for each wrong answered question in this Test.
{% endwith %}
{% endwith %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
- Your answers will be submitted automatically when the time for the test is over.
{% if context.time_bound == "SubjectWise" %}
This is a sectional test. You can submit it only after completing required time for specific section.
{% endif %}
Test Structure
{% if context.typeId == 'Mock' %}
{% for choice, subjects in context.child_sub_arr.items %}
{% if choice == "N" or choice == "F" %}
{% for child in subjects %}
{{ child.sub_name }} | {% comment %} {{ choice }} {% endcomment %}
{{ child.sub_no_of_questions }} |
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% comment %} Note: Total allocated time for this test is {{ context.time_left }}.
{% endcomment %}
Total allocated time for this test is {{ context.time_left }}.
{% if context.typeId == 'Mock' %}
{% endif %}
{% if context.attempt_type == "new" %}
{% comment %}
Select Language
{% endcomment %}