{% load num_filters %} {{ type_id }} Test {% comment %} jquery-3.6.0.min.js {% endcomment %}
{% csrf_token %} {% if type_id == 'Mock' %} {% with time_in_sec=basic_arr.time_in_minute|multiply:60 %} {% with time_data=time_in_sec|seconds_to_hours_minutes_seconds %} {% endwith %} {% endwith %} {% elif type_id == 'Subject' %} {% for sub_time in sub_categoy %} {% if final_exam_id|add:0 == sub_time.entity_id|add:0 %} {% with time_in_sec=sub_time.time_in_minute|multiply:60 %} {% with time_data=time_in_sec|seconds_to_hours_minutes_seconds %} {% endwith %} {% endwith %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}

{{ basic_arr.name }}

{% if basic_arr.time_bound == 'SubjectWise' and type_id == 'Mock' %} {% for sub_time in sub_categoy %}
{% endfor %} {% else %}

Time Left : :

{% endif %}

Enter Full Screen

{% if basic_arr.test_resume == 'Y' or type_id == 'Subject' %}

{% endif %}
{% if basic_arr.subject_display == 'Yes' %}
{% if type_id == 'Mock' %} SECTIONS :{% endif %} {% for sub in sub_categoy %} {% if type_id == 'Mock' %} {{ sub.name }} {% elif type_id == 'Subject' %} {% if final_exam_id|add:0 == sub.entity_id|add:0 %} SECTION : {{ sub.name }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if basic_arr.test_resume == 'Y' or type_id == 'Subject' %} {% endif %}

Warning :-No access to internet so, test data will not be saved anymore.